
Archive for the ‘Mother’s and Father’s Day Special’ Category

God the Creator of the Universe, who is also the Real parent of mankind, is a role-model of a Perfect Mother.

God, being our ultimate parent, He was and is a Mother-God who gave birth to Adam through the womb of His hand. But when Eve committed adultery with Satan in the Garden of Eden, divorcing God by distrusting Him and defying a simple instruction not to touch the forbidden tree in the midst of the garden, Satan took the dominion of the earth. Eve gave birth to the first son Cain who was supposedly the second generation of human race; and the first son of man, but who was actually the expressed image of Satan. Satan made Cain the first murderer on earth, and his younger brother Abel, the first victim. Thus, human race became sons and daughters of the demon Satan from that time on, up to the present.

But God, in an ultimate effort to regain back His rights as the real parent of mankind, took the form of humanity, came out from a human mother’s womb and became a Son of Man.

God as man who was and is the” Alpha and the Omega God” who also played the role of a loving merciful Mother-God demonstrated to the world how to live a goodly and godly life like the character of their Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Real heavenly Son; so that He can take them back from the dominion of that fake father/mother Satan (who transformed them into evil demons), and would like to restore them back to the right sense; and bring them to a New Land which is the New Heaven free from stains of sin.

However, in that process of redemption, took the greatest sacrifice in the history of the universe for a Universal Monarch to humble Himself by selflessly relinquishing His throne and became a frailty human; in order to be subjected to the most dreadful curse of sin and even to death in order to gather His/ Her Children back to His/ Her bosom.

Was it not the noblest motherly sacrifice? Yes indeed. Isaiah 49:15 says God: “Can a woman forget her suckling child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.”

Today, as you discovered this amazing grand truth of God’s Motherly Sacrifices, may you render the best honor and recognition to your Real Mother, Holy Spirit-God who gave birth to you, and who nurtures your conscience with goodness, mercy and love that transforms you into real son or daughter of the Most High God. (Psalm 2:7 – “I will declare the decree the LORD hath said unto me. Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee.”)



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