
Archive for the ‘Testimonies’ Category

An Open Letter To A Friend


Dear Concerned Friend,

This is in response to the captions you posted, which was your sincere comments of my shared videos.
Please allow me to share for the last time, this piece of article below.

If you find your Famous Adviser and prospective Future Evangelist to have the qualifications and have the commission from God and full of Spirit of Holiness;
If you believe he has the message from God to proclaim to the World, then you have the right to believe and give your trust in him.

Thank you for taking your time to read this trashed article.
Or, you may study this together with your Adviser and friends who are seekers of Truth.

However, if you find it A BIG NOTHING, having solid confidence and contentment of the light you received, and absolutely certain of the lifestyle you live today, having obtained the favor of God to take you with Him into His Kingdom,  just forget these useless captions anyway.



1. They are they who believed in God;
– Who believe in the Prophets which are His messengers,
– Who believe in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy which are HIS Words;
– Who believed in Ellen G. White who was the Last Days Prophet; and
– Who believe in The Decalogue Law (10 Commandments) of God as the Eternal Law of the Universe, which is
– The Basic Standard of Righteousness and
– The Bases of Judgment in the court of Heaven.

2. They are they who Truly believe in God the Father and the Son whom He sent, (who personally testified to them of HIM), who kept the Commandments of God strictly and to the fullest, without any compromise even a dot, a second, or a minute of defilement, especially the Sabbath Commandment (which is the Eternal Sign between between God’s and man’s Real relationships) and the testimony of Jesus, which is the Spirit of Prophecy.

3. They are they who received the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit, and were separated from worldliness of the world, who chose to live in the isolated secluded places free from pollutions of worldly influences and sickness, in a natural healthy and holy environment

4. They are the Modern Sages who have no selfishness and grid, but a total SELFLESS BEINGS, having surrendered their personal ambitions and plans in life, but  only pursued and dedicated their whole lives to the plan of God only.

5. They are the Chosen Ones, the hidden Seven Thousand Elijahs (Mal. 4: 5, 6; Rom. 11: 4); the last reformists who denounce the sins and corruptions of the world churches   particularly, the lukewarm Laodicean church which is the professed modern Israel and the professed caretaker of truth.

6. They are they that prepare the way of the last and Final/ Omega Christ who will finish the works of salvation of the universe that the Alpha Christ started 2000 years ago.

7. They are the last Saints who are called to do the mission of saving mankind and to perform the works as weapons and Enforcers of judgement of the Appointed Son of Man, the Supreme Judge.

8 They are they who received the final seal of the Living God. (Rev.3:12; 14: 12)
– Who received and have known the New Name of God, written on their foreheads;
– Who knew the new name of the City of God which is the New Jerusalem;
– And also received their new names.

9. They are they who knew and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter sent by God and received the Word-God, and bearing the fruits of the Spirit of having the characters of God, which is the Undesputable Evidence of Truth in them. (John 14:26; 15:26)

10. They are they who are Real Sons and Daughters of God, who knew and have closed relationship with their Real Daddy- God, and are undesputably, Gods. (Ps 2: 7);

11. They are they who knew and have closed relationships with the Last Lamb of God in Revelation 5: 1- 14, (that even John the Revelator knew not)
– and they are they who knew the secrets of the Seven Seals.

12. They are they who have known the
– Two Anointed Ones, (Zec.4:14) which are also:
– The  Branch (Zec. 3:8; 6:12)
– The Two Witnesses (Rev.11:3)
– The Two Sacrificial Lambs, the Morning sacrifice and Evening sacrifice (Liv.23:19,20)
– The Mighty Sealing Angel (Eze. 9: 4-6; Rev.14)
– The Omega Christ (Rev.1:8; 22:13)
– Michael The Great Prince (Dan.12: 1)
Which all of the above, pointing to One Person, the JEHOVAH GOD The Son Of Man.


* They come from the Mountains of God, which the Lord personally prepared for them, who leads, teaches and trained them to become Holy Saints, in order to carry the holy work of salvation and to seat on the Twelve Thrones of judgement as Judges.


1. Because they are they that were taught of the ways of God, they became Real Sons and Daughters of God.

2. Because they are Sons and Daughters of God,
– They knew God, have the characters of God, and are True Witnesses of God, and they are all Gods (Ps. 2:7), that
– Does the works of God in the final works of saving mankind and the universe, and cleansing the universe from the dirt of sin, and annihilating all demons Satan and sinners out of existence without a trace.

3. Because they are holy beings, so,
They don’t pollute or defile their bodies from all manners of flesh foods.
Therefore, they only eat natural fruits and vegetables free from chemicals, non-GMO plants, and naturally grown by heaven. In other words, they only partake “Heavenly Diet.”

4. Because they received the Final Seal of the Sealing Angel  Ezek. 9: 4-6; Rev. 14: 1) written in their foreheads, they are also members of the Hundred Forty Four Thousand (144,000) singers (who sing the New Songs that only them knew), which are the First Fruits of the Redeemed,  that followed the Lamb wherever He goes.

5. Because they personally knew the Lamb as their Groom, and became their Eternal Husband, they are the Ones to go and proclaim the “Loud Cry” to the people who awaited him for so long, and proclaim:
“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!
Go out and meet Him!

6. And they are also the Ones who will proclaim the Last Warning Message of Mercy to the World, in order to
– save and gather the Great Multitudes of the saves, which is the Final Gathering.
– and judged the whole world with Fair Judgement, that whoever believes shall be saved, and have the authority to condemn to death the unbelieving.

7. Because they are personally taught and trained by the Lamb, having come up to the level of Godliness as Holy Decalogue Gods,
Therefore, they are the Vanguards of the Universe, the Elite Decalogue Guardian Gods of the universe, to see to it that there would be no new rebellion to arise again, and maintain Absolute Peace in the Universe.
                —— oOo ——

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As I contemplate upon the new message from the Lord I received during Dawn Worship this morning (January 31, 2015), I can’t help myself but felt so sorry to my Lord for being short of His expectation. I felt ashamed before all the universal hosts at watch of the way I live my life daily that repeatedly commit usual mistakes I sworn the other day to get rid of it, but found failure again day in and day out. So pitiful and helpless I am. How could I get out of this undesirable spiritual condition? How could I acquire that “Indomitable Faith”, such faith as big as the mountain that can’t be moved in all circumstances and as chaste as the stone that can’t melt to changes no matter what intense the weather condition is? Perhaps my faith is so little, like that of Jesus’ disciples 2000 years ago that could not cast out demons out of the demon-possessed victim. Perhaps, I lack prayer to have enough power to conquer Demon-Self within me. And much more, how could I win against God to obtain His blessings like Jacob that wrestled against God in the brook Jabbok and prevailed to obtain the prestigious name, “Israel”, (Gen. 32:24-28) that means, victorious? Likewise, a faith as that of Elijah, after praying seven times, and upon seeing a cloud of a hand-sized ran immediately for fear to be overtaken by the rain he prayed for? Therefore, it is wise enough to learn their lessons and follow their good examples. The faith that doesn’t bend no matter how strong the pressure of the temptation; the faith that doesn’t melt into another compound no matter how hot the crucible is; the faith that doesn’t quit in prayer even if it mean to wait for eternity for the answer. Just trust in the Lord, in His words and obey no matter what the situation you are in; no matter what the condition you are confronted, and no matter where He leads you, whether it be in the burning desert, in the mid ocean or on the vast air that we must only follow without murmur. Finally, my fellow brothers and sister in the Lord, and the entire wayward world, I challenge everyone of you to win each our individual battle today. Let us defeat first the Self-demon, and win God’s favor with that Indomitable Faith applied today in this furious Jacob’s trouble going on in our life. I would like to quote an inspirational statement by the godly person Ellen G. White that says, “…nothing to fear, except you forget how the Lord led His people in the past”.   Godspeed!

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